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Our staff will do everything they can to help you as much as possible. Unfortunately, it may happen that you are not entirely satisfied with the service you have received. Are you unhappy with ACCS’s working methods, the way you have been spoken to or have we invaded your privacy? Then file a complaint with us. Complaints are important for us to improve the quality of our services.

Do you have no complaint, but would you like to be contacted?
Then you can use our:

How do we handle your complaint?

Our complaint management department has been set up to investigate your complaint and find a solution together with you. To this end, we will contact you by telephone within 5 working days. In some cases, we will respond in writing, for example, if we want to supplement our position with documentation. Even if the complaint is resolved by telephone, we will always confirm the resolution to you in writing.

We register all complaints we receive, whether by telephone, in writing or online. On this basis, we improve our organisation and our working methods. The reason we register complaints is simple: we want to prevent a recurrence in the future.

Reporting a complaint

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to register your complaint with us. Please use the form below to do so. If your complaint is justified, we will immediately adjust our services accordingly. We promise!

You can also submit your complaint in writing, by post or by e-mail. In this case, send your letter to ACCS International, Attention Complaints Management, P.O. Box 6099, 5600 HB Eindhoven or to with the subject Complaint.

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