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On the one hand Banks are suffering from low interest rates and on the other hand from the decline in the number of bank counters with customer contact. On top of this there is a wave of slow or delayed payments triggered by the pandemic. As a result Banks find themselves in an difficult situation that increases the pressure on margins and makes customer loyalty more difficult.

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Why banks are using ACCS:

This makes it all the more important for international banks to find their customers who have immigrated to abroad or to found out if customers have assets abroad.

Very often these customers are difficult to find and especially the enforcement of the non performing loans would be a big problem for the banks from another country.

Thanks to our many years of experience with the largest Dutch banks, ACCS is able to fulfill any compliance requirement.

Minimum effort, maximum efficiency

– We work on a no-win-no-fee basis with competitive terms that are simple and agreed in advance.
– no set-up fees or hidden costs
– secure file transfer
– central control + local expertise in more than 150 countries
– creditor advice before costly actions are taken

best possible collection rates + customer retention

– Communication with your clients in the required legal features and language of the respective country
– Strong and quality-checked service providers in each country, experienced in your field of business

Compliance as a success factor

– Professionalism and quality
– Excellent data protection (GDPR also agreed in third countries)
– Uniform compliance standards guaranteed worldwide
– Licensing and legal requirements of the respective country taken into account
– ACCS International and International Credit Exchange (ICE) network system are ISO certified (ISO 27001 and 9001)

Easy control + Full transparency

– We take over the central coordination function for local collection service providers – you have only one main contact person
– Communication with your clients in the required legal form and language of the respective country
– Strong and quality-tested service providers in each country, experienced in your field of business
– Customizing: ACCS adapts to the respective requirements and integrates the necessary interface – in strict compliance with all security precautions and data protection guidelines.

Domestic or foreign address determination

– Borrowers are very mobile and it can be quite difficult to trace them if they have changed their address, especially if they come from abroad.
– In a debt collection case, our investigation service extends worldwide…

Respectful, value-oriented debt collection

– Highly qualified, competent and motivated ACCS debt collection team
– We support you in taking efficient measures and retaining valuable customers.
– ACCS relieves your internal resources – so you can concentrate on your core business

Starting Collection

You are welcome to submit claims directly via this link. If you are not yet a client of ours, you can request a quote from us via the second link.

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