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Have you received a payment request?

ACCS International has written to you because you have an outstanding debt with a company. ACCS International has been commissioned to collect the debt. We therefore ask you to pay the outstanding amount. In our letter we have provided you with all the information you need. Please pay by mentioning your file number or contact us in advance by mentioning your file number in order to reach a mutual solution.

Direct online payment

A payment via iDeal, Bancontact or Sofort is quickly arranged. The only thing you have to do is fill in the right file number and the amount you want to pay. Be aware that you enter the right file number so that we can process your payment as soon as possible. When you click on the payment button you will be redirected to a secured payment page.


Direct payment via internet banking

It is possible to transfer a payment to us manually via internet banking. Our account number at ING is NL64INGB0006234125 in the name of ACCS International in Eindhoven. Do not forget to state your file number when making your payment. You will find this in the letter you received from us.

If you have any further questions about your payment, please contact us.

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